More Fonts, More Fun: from Gamification to Animation. New technologies create new possibilities. In this tour de force presentation, you will see proofs of concepts for what OpenType features and the latest Variable Font technology can do for you.
Introduction to Type Design with Glyphs 2. In this workshop, you will sketch your own typeface, digitize a few letters, add hinting, code an OpenType feature, produce a font, and test it on-screen. No prior experience necessary. Bring a MacBook with macOS 10.9.5 or later, download the free Glyphs 2 trial from Participants can purchase the full version at a discount.
Multiple Masters and Variable Fonts with Glyphs 2. In this workshop, you will set up an interpolation, and create both a Multiple Master family and a variable font from it. Some prior experience in type design required, no matter in which font editor.
Was born in Vienna, and studied photography, philosophy and Dutch. With his foundry Schriftlabor, he creates typefaces and works as a digital punchcutter for other type designers. He also teaches type design and typography, holds lectures, gives workshops, and occasionally translates Dutch books into German. Eric joined the Glyphs team in 2012, and has been writing tutorials, scripts, the blog and the app handbook ever since.
August 5–14,
St. Petersburg
August 5–6,
Petersburg, Artplay